Bücher Herunterladen Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days, by Jake Knapp John Zeratsky

Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days, by Jake Knapp John Zeratsky

Bücher Herunterladen Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days, by Jake Knapp John Zeratsky
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Eine brandneue Begegnung kann durch das Lesen eines Buches Sprint: How To Solve Big Problems And Test New Ideas In Just Five Days, By Jake Knapp John Zeratsky Auch gewonnen werden , dass ist dies Sprint: How To Solve Big Problems And Test New Ideas In Just Five Days, By Jake Knapp John Zeratsky oder andere Veröffentlichung Compilations. Wir bieten dieses Buch bedenkt , dass Sie viel mehr Punkte finden können Ihre Fähigkeit und auch Know - how zu motivieren, die viel besser Sie in Ihrem Leben machen. Es wird auch für die Menschen um Dich herum nützlich sein. Wir empfehlen diese weichen Daten von Führungs unten. Um zu wissen , Wege , diese Veröffentlichung zu erhalten Sprint: How To Solve Big Problems And Test New Ideas In Just Five Days, By Jake Knapp John Zeratsky , lesen Sie weiter unten.
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“Every business leader I know worries about the same thing: Are we moving fast enough? The genius of Jake Knapp’s Sprint is its step-by-step breakdown of what it takes to solve big problems and do work that matters with speed and urgency. A sprint is a cure for what ails companies in an ever faster world.”—Beth Comstock, vice chair of GE"The key to success, often, is building the right habits. But which habits work best? Sprint offers powerful methods for hatching ideas, solving problems, testing solutions—and finding those small, correct habits that make all the right behaviors fall in place." – Charles Duhigg, author of The Power of Habit"To quote one of my colleagues, “don’t get ready, get started”. Through hard won experience Jake Knapp and the team at Google Ventures have refined an efficient, hands-on approach to solving your product, service and experience design challenges. Try the book and try a Sprint." – Tim Brown, CEO of IDEO and author of Change By Design"Read this book and do what it says if you want to build better products faster." – Ev Williams, founder of Medium, Blogger, and Twitter
Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende
Jake Knapp created the Google Ventures sprint process and has run more than a hundred sprints with startups such as 23andme, Slack, Nest, and Foundation Medicine. Previously, Jake worked at Google, leading sprints for everything from Gmail to Google X. He is currently among the world’s tallest designers.John Zeratsky has designed mobile apps, medical reports, and a daily newspaper (among other things). Before joining Google Ventures, he was a design lead at YouTube and an early employee of FeedBurner, which Google acquired in 2007. John writes about design and productivity for Wall Street Journal, Fast Company, and Wired. He studied journalism at the University of Wisconsin.Braden Kowitz founded the Google Ventures design team in 2009 and pioneered the role of “design partner” at a venture capital firm. He has advised close to two hundred startups on product design, hiring, and team culture. Before joining Google Ventures, Braden led design for several Google products, including Gmail, Google Apps for Business, Google Spreadsheets, and Google Trends.
Taschenbuch: 288 Seiten
Verlag: Simon & Schuster; Auflage: Export (8. März 2016)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 1501140809
ISBN-13: 978-1501140808
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
14 x 2,3 x 21,1 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
4.3 von 5 Sternen
19 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 84 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
The contents of this book is incredibly valuable.BUT.The makers of this book missed THE chance.The makers of this book decided to favor the "voice" of the writers... instead of boiling its content down to its essence.In its essence, "Sprint" holds so much important information that it could have become an instant classic… if the essence wasn't wrapped up and filled to the brim with dad jokes and useless asides. These, gentlemen authors of this book, are not your "voices", it's you trying to be funny. But that is not really funny outside your Silicon Valley bubble.This book could have been read by millions of people from all walks of life.To potential buyers: there are checklists at the end of the book, and if it weren't for these I'd have gone crazy trying to figure out where the important information is hidden - the book is worth checking out, but brace yourself with patience, or, if you like dad jokes, you're in for a treat.
If you are familiar with the Lean Startup, Four Steps to Epiphany or other books discussing Lean Startup, this book is a great addition for one single reason: its level of detail. Where the first series of book give a great overview of the philosophy and approaches that vastly improve the survival rate of new ventures, "Sprint" offers a very specific, pragmatic and realistic approach to solve the big questions in the early stages of new ventures. The fact that the book is written by 2 passionate authors who have a ton of experience in runnning 100's of these sprints makes this an invaluable book for innovators all over the world.I highly recommend it.
Ich kannte das Buch bereits von einem früheren Job, musste es in der dortigen Firma lassen und habe es jetzt noch mal selbst gekauft. Wenn man die Verfahren durchzieht, sind sie eine Art Best-Practice fürs schnelle und nachhaltige Designen. Leider sind viele Unternehmen nicht bereit für einen 5-Tage-Sprint, sondern lassen ihre Beschäftigten nur sporadisch an Design-Sessions teilnehmen, was letztlich viel unproduktiver ist, länger dauert und mehr kostet. Außerdem muss man als Moderator solcher Sprints die Gruppe gut mitreißen können, sonst verweigern einzelne Personen womöglich ihre Beteiligung. Aber wenn man es hinkriegt, ist das Sprinten ein absoluter Gewinn für alle. Coole Ideen und für mich ein echter Augenöffner.
I practically devoured the book. It was really well written and not too long.The book had many anecdotes and examples of the work process at other companies.The individual steps are very well explained and summarized again towards the end. I can only recommend this book.Sometimes there were also small footers that I could really laugh about, sometimes very Nerdy. I really enjoyed it.
Dieses Buch hält was es verspricht.Es wird die „Sprint“-Methode vorgestellt, welche zu einem komplexen Problem innerhalb von fünf Tagen eine oder mehrere Lösungen erarbeitet und testet.Die Methode und die einzelnen Schritte werden sehr detailliert erläutert. Dabei werden viele verschiedene Beispiele aus den unterschiedlichsten Branchen gegeben. Zudem ist erstaunlich, dass die gesamte Methode auf analogen Materialien (Papier u. Stift) beruht.Diese Methode ist inspirierend und kann meiner Meinung nach in jeder Branche angewandt werden. Das Buch erklärt viele hilfreiche Details, so dass jeder Leser direk mit der Umsetzung starten kann.Daher gebe ich eine klare Kaufempfehlung an alle, die in Teams schneller und besser(!) komplexe Probleme lösen wollen!
I am a business psychologist and I knew quite some techniques described in this book. But the different context they were used in and the real life examples gave me a new perspective on their usability. Can't wait to start conducting my sprint workshops :)
Das Buch ist durchgängig voller blaba, voller Selbstlob. Der eigentliche Kern, der Sprint,ist hinten anhand kurzer Checklisten und FAQ vorgestellt. Das genügt eigentlich und man müsste den Rest nicht lesen. Auf keinen Fall empfehlenswert. Recherche im Internet bietet gehaltvollere Informationen
One of the smartest and thoughtful books I've read in a while. The play-by-play narration complimented with concrete and relevant examples makes this book both fun and inspiring to read. I had to take breaks quite frequently to write down examples and techniques I could directly implement in my work. Excellent book - easiest 5 stars I've given in a long while.
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