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The Bronze Horseman, by Paullina Simons

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Praise for Paullina SimonsTully`Pick up this book and prepare to have your emotions wrung so completely you'll be sobbing your heart out one minute and laughing through your tears the next... Read it and weep - literally' CompanyTatiana and Alexander'This has everything a romance glutton could wish for: a bold, talented and dashing hero, a heart-stopping love affair ... It also has - thank goodness - a welcome sense of humour and discernible characters rather than ciphers.'Victoria Moore, Daily MailThe Bronze Horseman`Pulling off the passionate love story embedded in a truly epic narrative is a difficult thing to do. Margaret Mitchell's Gone With the Wind remains the blueprint for the genre, while Tolstoy's War and Peace carries off the literary honours ... it's quickly apparent that the Russian-born author Paullina Simons has the measure of this kind of epic romantic saga ... She is able to make some powerful statements about the durability of the human spirit, but never at the expense of descriptive passages refulgent with power and beauty' Barry Forshaw, amazon
A magnificent epic of love, war and Russia from the international bestselling author of TULLY and ROAD TO PARADISE Leningrad 1941: the white nights of summer illuminate a city of fallen grandeur whose palaces and avenues speak of a different age, when Leningrad was known as St Petersburg. Two sisters, Tatiana and Dasha, share the same bed, living in one room with their brother and parents. The routine of their hard impoverished life is shattered on 22 June 1941 when Hitler invades Russia. For the Metanov family, for Leningrad and particularly for Tatiana, life will never be the same again. On that fateful day, Tatiana meets a brash young man named Alexander. The family suffers as Hitler's army advances on Leningrad, and the Russian winter closes in. With bombs falling and the city under siege, Tatiana and Alexander are drawn inexorably to each other, but theirs is a love that could tear Tatiana's family apart, and at its heart lies a secret that could mean death to anyone who hears it.Confronted on the one hand by Hitler's vast war machine, and on the other by a Soviet system determined to crush the human spirit, Tatiana and Alexander are pitted against the very tide of history, at a turning point in the century that made the modern world.
Alle Produktbeschreibungen
Taschenbuch: 656 Seiten
Verlag: HarperCollins Publishers; Auflage: New Ed (1. September 2008)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 9780006513223
ISBN-13: 978-0006513223
ASIN: 0006513220
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
12,9 x 4,1 x 19,8 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
4.3 von 5 Sternen
11 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 98.421 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
Okay, how am I supposed to write a review that can do this book justice in even the tiniest bit? I have no clue. There were already several other people here on goodreads who did a pretty good job on that. But you know, when there is this ONE book that you will always compare other reads to- THEN ONE DOES NOT SIMPLY LEAVE THE BOOK WITHOUT A GLORIOUS REVIEW. There is just no way. So let me tell you what made the story so special and unforgettable to me:I usually neither like love triangles, nor stories about war. I really don't. So, before I bought the Ebook, I had no idea that the story contained to 40% of love-triangle-ish conflicts. But guess what, I found it interesting how I could hate and love a character so much at the same time. I never read such kind of a conflict before (the protagonist loving someone and suffering over him for not being with herself because of another woman). I found it most honorable how Tatiana acted selflessly and in favor to her sister, not snatching Dasha's (more or less) beloved boyfriend away. Of course- on the one hand you wanted to shake Tatiana for being so stubborn and stupid, on the other hand you wanted to never forgive Alexander for not ending his relationship with Dasha. OH! And let's not forget how we probably ALL wanted to CHOKE Dasha. ARGH, DASHA!!!Apart from the fact that I wanted to end Dasha's life for leaving the role of the big sister to Tatiana, I could not get rid of the thought how I would act in times of war and starvation. Would I be as brave as Tatiana and keep working, keep getting up in the morning, keep caring for my family instead of myself? I was not so sure about it. I guess no one can really tell how they would act in such life-threatening situations. Dasha certainly started to shut herself down. The only thing that kept her from giving up was the hope that Alexander would make everything better and keep her from dying.I also liked was how the POV switched at some points of the story, letting us have an insight of both Alexander's and Tatiana's decisions and where they were located. It made the tension rise to its climax at several parts of the story.What I thought was very rare concerning my reading experience, was, that I never cried one tear throughout the whole book. Not a single one. What I constantly felt was pure fear. 80% of the book I was so afraid (or knew) that something bad was going to happen, it made stay wide awake at night, after I actually found the courage to leave my precious Alexander and Tatiana alone. No matter how happy they were at some points of the story, you contantly knew that it was going to get worse again and that they would be separated. A heart- wrenching and paralyzing situation for me as a reader.Although I couldn't understand what still kept them holding back from each other, I could still see how irritated, helpless and paralyzed they must have felt, facing war and an uncertain future. I adored Tatiana and Alexander for not giving up and for not leaving each other alone rotting by themselves. It was such a brave, powerful and passionate connection between those two, it was everything a woman dreams of and will hardly ever get. Yet I couldn't get enough of the moments between the protagonists. I've never read such love scenes before that were so heart- wrenchingly beautiful or that made you wanna scream out loud because of rage.The fact that all this fighting and losing loved ones actually happened in history not too long ago, brought the reading experience on a whole new level for me. Paullina Simons didn't use too much ways of describing the death of people. She told it in a very honest and calm way. It felt almost like you walked the streets of Leningrad yourself- holding your breath and letting your eyes wander silently- not trying to make any noise in a cold winter night.I hope you get my point.5 stars and more for such a great book.
Meine große Liebe, die mich mit der Bücherwelt vertraut gemacht hat. Seit dem Tag an, schreibe ich Bücher und habe meine eigenen Geschichten veröffentlicht. Danke Paullina Simons. Danke, dass du mich inspiriert hast und mich mit dieser unglaublich herzzerreißenden Liebesgeschichte von Tatjana & Alexander bekanntgemacht hast. Seit dem Tag an, gelten meine Träume Sankt Petersburg und den Liebenden von Leningrad. Hinter diesem Buch steckt harte Arbeit und vor allem Herzblut. Was soll ich noch sagen? Wenn ich könnte, würde ich keine 5, sondern 1 Millionen Sterne vergeben ♥ï¸
Usually, I hate those romantic novels, but every rule has an exception - and what an exception this is!Soviet Russia in 1941, Tatiana Metanova is 16 - a normal, though still innocent and quite a bit naiive girl - lives in crowded conditions with her family in Leningrad (today: St. Petersburg). She loves books, ice cream and her sister and does not care for much else in the world. The 21st June is a fateful day for her. Not only does the war with Germany start, but she also meets Alexander, an officer in the Red Army who has something unusual about him...and a secret. Unfortunately, Alexander is also the boyfriend of her older sister. Between the Leningrad blockade, loss, secrets, betrayal, loyalty, love, fear and courage....Tatjana has to grow up.This book was recommended to me by a friend and I am so grateful for that. It has become my absolute favorite! The first ca. 50-70 pages are a bit dragging, I was inclined to put the book down. And honestly, Tatiana's naivity just annoyed me so much in the beginning. But once she meets Alexander, the chemistry between those two just burns! Such tension! And, in the end, the initial innocence of Tatjana is important to see her development throughout the book.The descriptions of Soviet Russia in the 1940s (with parts of the 1930s) under Stalin, and also the blockade seems quite realistic to me (I have learned quite a lot about the Leningrad blockade from family members). The writing style of Paullina Simons is fantastic - it has it's very own emotionality, it's very own rhythm, tempo, everything. The chemistry between Tatiana and Alexander is great, the suffering of the blockade is feelable, the erotic scenes just hot. The book made me laugh, cry, blush and be emotional with the characters. Everything I hoped for.One small bummer though: the book does not have a glossary or an attachment to explain historical references, typically Russian expressions, or even the variations in names (Tatiana, Tania, Tatia, Tatiasha - etc.). If you are familiar with the Russian culture, like I am, you don't notice. But friends, who are not, kept asking me about things because they were unclear to them. It would be a great benefit to add this maybe in the next edition.I can recommend the book to everyone who loves great love stories, historical novels, Russia, or simply a great read. This book is book one of a trilogy. Book two is: "Tatjana and Alexander" (also known as "The Bridge to Holy Cross" - basically the same book) and book three is "The Summer Garden". An "inofficial part" of the trilogy is the cook book "Tatjana's Table" - which has great recipes (I cooked about 10 dishes from it, and everything tasted fantastic!) from the trilogy as well as a few more episodes with the characters of the trilogy. The book is only available second hand and the prices go up to $200 - if you should get your hands on the cook book for a decent price, buy it - it's worth it!
I've read this novel some years back and I'm now on my way to read it again. This novel is wonderfully written heartwarming and sometimes heartbreaking. How beaufitul live can be when you're a teenager and in love. I feld for the girl and hated her selfish arrogant sister and lived throught the pain and fears of war for her. A pageturner and a tearjerker!
Das ist ein tolles Buch was man garnicht mehr aus der Hand legen möchte.Über Liebe, Krieg, Hoffnung. Herzklopfen garantiert
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